
Template is an artists ini­tia­tive and ex­hi­bi­tion pro­ject run­ning in Bucharest in 2018. The pro­ject fo­cuses on ac­ti­vat­ing var­i­ous un­used ar­chi­tec­tural struc­tures lo­cated through­out the city by ren­der­ing them as tem­po­rary, scaled-down ex­hi­bi­tion sites. Template in­vites and sup­ports con­tem­po­rary artists in pro­duc­ing site-spe­cific work that is re­flec­tive of the phys­i­cal, his­tor­i­cal and/ or eco­nom­i­cal fea­tures of each struc­ture within its given con­text. The pro­gram pairs artists with a dis­tinct ar­chi­tec­tural struc­ture per ex­hi­bi­tion, each time in a new lo­ca­tion that al­lows 24/ 7 vis­i­bil­ity dur­ing the course of one week. Template is co-founded by Kristin Wen­zel (DE), Vlad Brăteanu (RO), Al­ice Gance­vici & Re­mus Puș­cariu (RO).