Galeria Labirynt

Galeria Labirynt is a modern municipal cultural institution focused on art. It has existed since 1956, when it functioned as the Bureau of Art Exhibitions. We regularly host exhibitions of artists who can be called contemporary classics as well as newcomers. You can also participate in a number of other events: come to an author’s meeting about a book, watch a movie, take part in discussions on important, current topics, take advantage of the open reading room and a rich workshop offer. The gallery constantly reacts to the changing artistic and social reality. The exhibitions organised in Galeria Labirynt are distinguished by their topicality and the combination of what is local with what is universal. Our events often take on a national or international scale. The mission of the gallery is to follow the pulse of modern art, to notice its most interesting phenomena, and to discover important contexts. We also have an extensive collection of works of art from the beginning of the 1960s, which hosts various presentations and also plays an educational role.