The Association for Culture and Art CRVENA was founded in 2010 in Sarajevo. Founders of CRVENA are artists, musicians, curators, architects, engineers, cooks, economists, journalists, human rights and cultural workers, workers and activists. Crvena is membership-based organization with over 40 members, founded around principles and the critical potential of feminist politics. Their work is dedicated to the betterment of the society through activist and artistic engagement with relations of oppression, domination and violence over woman and man and concerned with the issue of building communities of critique, of action, of self-defence. Crvena aims to create supportive and sustainable environment for productive interaction of individuals and groups committed to same principles of the organization of work and society. Through this bringing together the association seeks to initiate, develop and maintain a culture of sharing, collaboration and participation in communal and public matters of all members of the society and community.