Kiril Prashkov

Kiril Prashkov (b. 1956) graduated the National Art Academy, Sofia, the Department for Graphic Design and Illustration. He has realized many projects in the field of the printed media. He is a founding Member of the Institute of Contemporary Art-Sofia. Some of his one-artist exhibitions are “Watch Your Step” (SIBank Gallery, Sofia, 2007), “Responsible Painting” (The French Cultural Institute, Sofia, 2006), “Quotations” (Moscow Museum for Contemporary Art, Moscow, 2005), “Drawing as a Craft” (ATA Center / Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, 2003); as well as shows in the Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; the “The Oh God, No/O Yeah” Book and other Books and Vegetables” (Gallery of KulturKontakt, Vienna, 1995); the “Gruezi”, in Scuol-Nairs, Switzerland (1993).