Chrysanthi Koumianaki was born in 1985 in Heraklion Crete. She is 1/3 of 3 137. She is an artist as the other 2/3 of 3 137. She also deals with graphic design, one of her greatest loves. She had been for long periods of time more or less, in Ioannina, Athens and London and she ended up in Athens, which looks to her as the most familiar and interesting place to be at the time. The body of her practice is about space and experience, memory and recounting them. Recently, after finishing her studies, realized her big need for cooperating and coexisting with other artists, for developing her work as well as discussing and networking with the local scene. This is how she became part of this studio with those particular artists, trying to exchange ideas and communicate with other people outside the studio and wills to create a bigger and more substantial dialogue.