Alex Selmeci and Tomáš Kocka Jusko are an artistic duo from Slovakia, now based in Prague, working together since 2017. They are focused on object oriented work, using medium of exhibition to create complex environments and intermedia installations. They mainly work with building and technical materials and their specific identity or poetics, dealing with matters of variability, disassembly, reusability or conservation of things in general and of their own works. They are trying to find an aesthetics which could respond to the accumulation of a great amount of already produced materials. In their most recent work Selmeci and Jusko are interested in various possibilities and distortions of time perception, using their own timeline to create objects with fictional past, which is yet to happen. The timeline acts as a cycle of visions and failures and constant overthinking, and follows also the authors' interest in the mutual impact of fiction on reality and vice versa.