Jasmina Tumbas

Jasmina Tumbas’s teaching and research fields focus on modern and contemporary art and theory, histories and theories of performance, body and conceptual art, art and activism, politics of contemporary visual culture, feminist art, and critical theory. Tumbas completed her doctoral degree in Art History and Visual Studies at Duke University in 2013, where she received a number of fellowships to conduct extensive research at various archives in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Germany. She has published her research on Hungarian post-1945 art in ArtMargins in fall 2012 and in Sztuka i Dokumentacja (Art and Documentation) in spring 2014, work that highlights alternative forms of connectivity through the organization of experimental art spaces and archives, and through the clandestine circulation of mail art in socialist Hungary. Her research on experimental Yugoslav art will be featured in Performing Arts in the Second Public Sphere (2016). Tumbas’ second book project engages with the question of ethnic Roma in East and Central Europe, the largest and most discriminated minority in Europe predominately left out of histories about avant-garde art in the region. Tumbas also works with artists and activists as a translator and editor, such as Austrian Roma, artist, and activist Marika Schmiedt’s books, What remains. Fragments of a continuous past (2014) and “Thoughts Are Free” Anxiety is Reality for Roma in Europe (2013). In addition, Tumbas has served as a freelance assistant editor and translator for the activist art and publishing collective ArtLeaks.