Artan Sadiku

Artan Sadiku (b. Skopje ) is a theorist, activist, curatot and a doctorate student in political philosophy. His main interests are theories of the subject of feminism, and radical practices in politics and arts. He works at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities in Skopje, where he lectures at the gender and cultural departments as well as at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje where he is the adjunct curator for discursive programs. Sadiku writes and publishes in Macedonian and international journals and advocates for political mobilization beyond ethno-national formations, resistance to the neoliberal instruments and politics and a common Balkan alternative to them. His latest publications include "Provocation to a final resistance of truth: ethics of a heretical discourse" and "Contracting a radical democracy in the Balkans: The ‘return of the people’ as a possibility for feminist inauguration of politics". Sadiku took part in the North Macedonia pavilion at Venice Biennale in 2019. He was the co-collaborator of the project Subversion to Red alongside with Tevž Logar, curated by Jovanka Popova.